Music is an integral part of worship at St. Mark’s
Song engages the whole self in prayer and unites the faithful to worship God.
The variety of musical forms at St. Mark’s reflects the diversity of our world and the varied gifts and talents in our community. It enhances our worship, transforms us, and draws us closer to God and to each other.
St. Mark’s Choir
September through May, this adult volunteer group sings at the 10:30 AM service, supporting congregational singing and presenting special music. The choir rehearses Sunday morning from 9:00 AM until 10:15 AM. It sings a broad repertoire of music, from Medieval and Renaissance to Baroque, Romantic and Modern, from Folk and Gospel to African and Rock. Music Director David Braceros-Hamm always welcomes new members to the Choir.
Handbell Choir
This inter-generational group of adults, middle and high school students welcomes ringers of all levels – novice to seasoned – for weekly rehearsals (Fridays 4:30pm-5:30pm, September to April). The bells ring at the 10:30 AM service once every month and play at other community events. Jared Aragon is the Director.

Jan McCoy Musicians Program
Established in 2021, the Jan McCoy Musicians Program is St. Mark’s engagement in the vibrant arts ecosystem in Tucson. The Jan McCoy Musicians Program honors the memory of late choir member and elder Jan McCoy by facilitating paid worship collaborations with young emerging musicians, especially those from backgrounds that have been historically excluded from professional music opportunities. The Jan McCoy Musicians Program funds guest musicians during weekly worship services, and the McCoy Choral Scholar, a 9-month long residency with the St. Mark’s choir. Our current McCoy Scholar is James Carroll.