Groups at St. Mark’s
You were created to experience life with other people. At St. Mark’s, we encourage you to get involved with our ongoing group events. Our groups come in all shapes and sizes — weekly Bible study, Lunch & Learn events, book studies, children & youth events—the list goes on. We focus on the intimate connection that happens within these small communities and the worship that happens together.
Library Book Cart
St. Mark’s encourages life-long learning through the free access to the Library Book Cart, with books for all ages! Pat Turnbull maintains and updates the collection. Reach out to Faith Formation Committee with any questions or requests for books.
Topics include:
- modern conversations in progressive Christian faith
- border history and issues
- women’s and gender studies
- race and anti-racism
- and more!
The selection offers an intersectional and interdisciplinary look at some of the social justice issues that inform the ministries and values of the St. Mark’s. We encourage curiosity about previously unknown topics, and often host book discussions throughout the year to build community around extended learning and discussions.
Check out the Cart on Sundays, or in the Office during the week!

Adult Formation
St. Mark’s offers a number of programs for adults, ranging from in-depth exploration of scripture to how we are called to act as Christians in the world, and beyond.
Children & Youth Formation
St. Mark’s community shares a church-wide commitment to see our children and youth grow in their faith and learn what it means to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.” Children and youth are invited to participate in all aspects of St Mark’s faith community – Christian education, worship, music, stewardship and fellowship.
You’re In Good Company.
This church is my spiritual home. I fine comfort and love which gives me strength to continue my journey.
A welcoming church congregation with a strong social justice mission.
Amazing, progressive, active and creative congregation.
What a warm and welcoming community of worshipers. My husband and I have been looking for a church home that is practicing what is preached and I think we can stop looking.